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NAME - The name of the Council shall be CAROLINAS COUNCIL OF HOUSING, REDEVELOPMENT, AND CODES OFFICIALS and shall be referred to as the "Carolinas Council".



PURPOSE - The purpose of the Carolinas Council shall be to serve Housing and Community Development Agencies in North and South Carolina. In particular the Carolina Council shall strive to improve professionalism and sound management practice in the public administration of Housing, Community Development, Codes and Housing rehabilitation programs. This goal shall be accomplished by utilization of assets to provide for the training of the membership and its constituents. 



AGENCY MEMBERSHIP - Active memberships may be held by duly constituted Housing, Redevelopment, Community Development, Codes, Rehabilitation and Section 8 agencies in North and South Carolina, or by departments of local government duly assigned such responsibilities. 


ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS - Associate member shall be any person who is interested in or desires to further the aims and purposes of the Council. Housing Authority legal counsel shall be allowed to become associated members under this section. 


SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP - A membership that may be granted by the Board to a person or organization that has an interest in or has supported the cause of low income housing.  The designation is for a term to be decided by the Board and exempts the designated individual or organization from annual membership dues.  


LIFE MEMBERSHIP - Life members may be nominated by the Board of Directors and ratified by the membership of the Carolinas Council to recognize long contributions and service to the Council by retired Housing or Community Development Officials.

  1.  Members must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age with twenty (20) years of service, and served as an Officer or Board Member to the Council.
  2. Life Members and one guest or Life Members, will be eligible to participate in all Council activities at "No Cost" excluding travel and lodging. Except that life time members appointed to Member Agency Boards or accept employment with participating vendors or professionals shall have "No Cost" privileges suspended until such appointments expire or employment is terminated. 


The Carolinas Council shall consist of the agencies and individuals described above (Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). All memberships and rights associated therewith are subject to payment of such annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors. 



ANNUAL MEETING - The membership of the Carolinas Council shall meet annually in August or September, the time and place to be recommended by the Chairman of the Site Selection Committee with the advice and consent of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall also have the power to change the place of the meeting; however, reasonable notice of any change in the time and place of the meeting and cause of the change shall be given to the membership.


SPECIAL MEETING - THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Council may call a Special meeting of the Council as deemed necessary and helpful and shall call such meeting upon written requests of the five active memberships directed to the Secretary. Such written request shall contain specific reasons for scheduling such a meeting and the Agenda shall be limited to those reasons.


QUORUM - The presence of twenty-five (25) agency members shall constitute a quorum. 


VOTING - At any duly called meeting of the Council, action may be taken by the Council by a simple majority vote of those present, provided a quorum is present. Each member agency, in good standings, shall have one vote which shall be cast by the Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer, or in his/her absence, by a designated employee of his/her agency.


ORDER OF BUSINESS - The order of business at all meetings of the Council shall be as follows:

  1. Report of presiding officer of a quorum present or lack thereof
  2. Minutes of proceeding meeting
  3. Report of Officers
  4. Report of Committees
  5. Unfinished Business
  6. New Business
  7. Selection of city for annual meeting
  8. Election of Officers (when required)
  9. Adjournment 



The Officers of the Council shall be:



Senior Vice-President

First Vice-President




NOMINATIONS - Not less than 180 days prior to the annual meeting of the Carolinas Council. the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee consisting of the four (4) immediate Past Presidents plus the sitting President of the Council (members in good standing) to meet for the purpose of selecting as nominee for each available officer and Board position on the Council; however, if any of the four immediate Past Presidents cannot serve, then the sitting President may appoint another Past President to serve on the nominating committee; if there is no Past President available then the sitting President may then appointment someone at large. Such selection shall be made and certified to the Secretary at least ninety (90) days before the annual meeting. Not less than eighty (80) days before the annual meeting, the Secretary shall notify each eligible voter of the nominee selected by the Nominating Committee and that nominations may be made by the membership, provided it is made by a petition bearing the names of the nominee and the signature of at least fifteen (15) active members in good standing (no more than one form any single agency). And further, that the petition is received by the Secretary who shall certify the petition at least ten (10) days before the annual meeting. 

Each nominee shall be an employee of the member agency in good standing, who shall have been notified of the responsibilities associated with the office to which nominated; and shall have agreed to serve. In addition, nominee for officer should at a minimum, have satisfactorily served as Committee chair(s) and exhibited professional abilities commensurate with the office to which nominated. 


ELECTION - Officers of the Council shall be elected from the agency membership at the annual meeting of the membership and shall hold office for a term of one(1) year, or until their successors have been elected and qualified, EXCEPT that the term of Treasurer shall be two (2) years. 


TERM OF OFFICE - The officers shall assume duties on October first following election at the annual meeting.  


DUTIES OF OFFICERS - The duties and powers of the offices of the Council shall be as follows:

  • PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and at all meetings of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS; shall give a report at each annual meeting of the condition of the Council; shall cause to be called all regular and special meetings in accordance with these By-Laws; shall sign or cause to be signed by his/her designated representative all contracts and agreements in the name of the Council; shall see that the books, reports, and statements required by the By-Laws are properly kept, made and filed; shall approve all bills or orders for payment by the treasurer not specified in the approved budget; shall appoint from the membership all persons to serve on committees of the Council and shall give due consideration in the appointment of such committee to representation from each of the states comprising the Council; shall enforce these By-Laws and perform all duties incident to the office of the President. 
  • PRESIDENT-ELECT: The President-Elect shall attend meetings of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS and shall perform such duties as are assigned by the President and BOARD OF DIRECTORS. He shall endeavor to familiarize himself with programs and problems of the Council so that transition will be facilitated when he assumes Presidency. The President-Elect shall also serve as Chairman o the Exhibitors Committee, and preside over Exhibitor functions at the Annual Meeting.
  • SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Board and membership; shall give and serve all notices of the Council; and shall attend to all correspondence assigned to the office by the President. 
  • TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of, and responsibility for, all funds and securities of the Council and shall deposit all such funds, in the name of the Council, in such banks, or other financial institution as is necessary to provide the security and protection necessary, and as directed by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Treasurer shall sign, make and endorse the name of the Council on all checks, drafts, warrants, and other orders for the payment of money; and pay or disburse the same under the direction of the President. In the absence of the Treasurer; the Secretary shall be given authority to sign the same upon approval of the President. The Treasurer shall keep correct books of account of all transactions and other such books as may be directed by the President, using accepted and established accounting procedures. The Treasurer shall secure such bonds for all Officers as may be required by the Board and state law, the cost of which shall be borne by the Council; and shall perform all duties pertaining to the office of Treasurer and in keeping with the non-profit status of the Council. 


VACANCIES - HOW FILLED - All vacancies in any office shall be filled by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS without undue delay at its regular meeting or at a meeting specially called for that purpose; provided, however, that should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the President-Elect shall succeed to that office and the office of the President-Elect shall remain vacant until the next annual meeting of the Council. Nominees for vacated positions shall be provided to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS by the Nominating Committee at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting when the voting will take place. 


REMOVAL FROM OFFICE - Should any officer or Board Member cease to be associated with an agency eligible for membership under Article III, Section 1 that office shall be declared vacant. 

Any Officer or Board Member who  fails to attend two consecutive regular meetings shall be considered to have vacated the office; except when such absences may be excused for valid reasons by the President. The Board of Directors may remove from office any Officer or Board Member by a vote of three-fourths of a majority present at any meeting for reasons of conduct determined by the Board to adversely affect the reputation of the Council.


SERC/NAHRO REPRESENTATIVES - The State Representatives to the Southeastern Regional Council of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials shall be the highest ranking officer from each state. Officers are ranked as follows (highest to lowest):

  1. President
  2. President-Elect
  3. Senior Vice-President
  4. First Vice President
  5. Secretary
  6. Treasurer
  7. Sitting Member of the Board

In the event that the Officer normally assigned to represent his/her state cannot serve then the respective state will nominate a substitute representative by caucus. The substitute nominee shall then be presented to the Board for confirmation. 

NOTE: SERC/NAHRO and NAHRO By-Laws require that state representatives be individual members of SERC/NAHRO and NAHRO. 



NUMBER - THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall consist of the officers of the Council and eleven active members from North Carolina and South Carolina in proportion to the active membership of the Council from each State EXCEPT in each fiscal year commencing October 1, 1999 and October 1, 2000 and the number of the Board members shall be increased by one to bring the total number of Board members to six (6) Offices and thirteen (13) other active members on October 1, 2000.


HOW ELECTED - Members of the Board shall be elected in the same manner as are the Officers of the Council EXCEPT the immediate Past President shall automatically be appointed to a three year term. Members other than the President shall normally serve for two years. 


MEETINGS - The President of the Council shall convene the Board of Directors for at least two meetings each year. One of these meetings shall be held during the annual meeting of the Council.


DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall have the control and general management of the affairs and businesses of the Council, such as, but not limited to, approval of the annual budget of the Council, establishment of travel policy, collection policy (dues), disbursements policy, approval of expenses incurred by Council members on official business approval of budget for annual meeting, setting policy concerning workshops, releasing of mailing lists of membership, orientation and indoctrination of newly developed housing authorities, redevelopment agencies, and code enforcement agencies. 


QUORUM - At any meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS,  a majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transition of business. 


VACANCIES - vacancies shall be filled in accordance with Article V, Section 6.



DUES - The Dues of Membership in the Council shall be established by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Council as required to meet overall goals of the Council. 

  1. Agency: Duly constituted Housing Authorities, Redevelopment, Community Development, Codes and Section 8 Agencies in the States of North and South Carolina shall pay annual dues which shall cover their active membership dues and dues of their Commissioners, Executive Director and agency personnel. 
  2. Associate Membership: Dues for Associated Members shall be established by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Council. 
  3. Special Membership: Dues for the Special Memberships shall be established by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Council. 


FISCAL YEAR - The Council's fiscal year shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30.



COUNCIL COMMITTEES - Annually the President shall appoint committees as deemed necessary to carry out the goals and objectives of the Carolinas Council for the coming year. Due consideration will be given to members from both states with the Chairman being named by the President. In the selection of Committees, the President may include, but is not limited to, the following committees:

  1. Commissioners
  2. Communications
  3. Constitution and By-Laws
  4. Convention 
  5. Education
  6. Exhibitor
  7. Finance (composed of the Officer of the Council, who shall prepare and recommend to the BOARD OF DIRECTORS the annual budget, the budget of the annual meeting of the Council and secure the annual fiscal audit).
  8. Legislative (North and South Carolina)
  9. Membership
  10. Minority Affairs
  11. Nominating (comprised of Four immediate active Past Presidents plus the sitting President)
  12. Public Information
  13. Programs
  14. Resolutions 
  15. Site Selection


CHANGE IN NUMBER AND SCOPE OF COMMITTEES - Changes in number and scope of Committees may be made from time to time by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS upon recommendation of the President. 



AMENDMENTS - Any provisions of the Constitution may be suspended or amended by a two-thirds vote of the agency members present and voting at any session a regular meeting of the Council denoting in writing of the proposed suspension or amendment having been posted in the mail at least one week prior thereto. 



PROCEDURE - Except as herein provided Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern the Council.



No Officer, Director, or member of the Council shall be paid for services rendered to the Council; except that any Officer, Director or member while on authorized business for the Council shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in accordance with the approved travel policy in effect at the time the expenses were incurred. 

No part of the net earnings of the Council shall inure to the benefit of any Officer, Director or member of the Council; and upon dissolution of the Council, the assets thereof shall, after all its liabilities and obligations have been discharged or adequate provisions made therefore, be distributed to a non-profit organization or organization functioning in Housing, Community Development or Codes fields. 



The financial assets of the Council or the product thereof shall not be employed for political purposes; provided, however, that his prohibition shall not restrain members exercising their constitutional or statutory rights as individuals. 



EFFECTIVE DATE - These By-Laws shall become effective as approved by the membership at the annual business meetings held  as amended on ....

  1. April 1971 - Charleston, South Carolina 
  2. May 9, 1973 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
  3. August 22, 1975 - Columbia, South Carolina 
  4. May 10, 1978 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
  5. September 29, 1982 - Asheville, North Carolina 
  6. May 24, 1993 - Charlotte, North Carolina  
  7. August 22, 1995 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  8. August 20, 1996 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 
  9. August 26, 1997 - Hilton Head, South Carolina
  10. August 14, 1998 - Charleston, South Carolina
  11. August 24, 1999 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
  12. August 22, 2000 - Hilton Head, South Carolina
  13. August 30, 2005 - Hilton Head, South Carolina
  14. August 28, 2018 - Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
































































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