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WE have less than 48 hours to elevate our advocacy efforts and are calling on your support. With the expiration of the Continuing Resolution this Friday and a potential bipartisan tax deal expected this week, NAHRO's advocacy is more important than ever.

Speak up for Housing and Community Development Spending in FY24!

Critical spending decisions are still being made for the current fiscal year and those conservations are ongoing. Tell your members of Congress to prioritize housing and community development programs in FY24.

Congress may have avoided a shutdown on November 17, but there is very little time for Congress to make final spending decisions before the expiration of the continuing resolution on Friday, January 19. There are still wide disagreements over topline spending levels, despite a deal passed by Congress in June to set overall spending levels.

Your voice is critical-tell members of Congress to prioritize key housing and community development programs to preserve rental assistance for families, investments in community development and affordable housing, and homelessness prevention the current fiscal year.

Click here to submit your letter.

Tell Congress to Pass Critical Improvements to LIHTC!

Our country is in the midst of an unprecedented housing crisis, all of which hinges on the shortfall of housing supply. Each state is experiencing shortages in affordable rental housing. The National Low Income Housing Coalition's (NLIHC) "The Gap" report, estimates that nationally, only 33 affordable and available rental homes exist for every 100 lower-income households. This has led to severe consequences including an affordability crisis for renters and homeowners, housing cost burdens, skyrocketing costs, and growing rates of homelessness- putting the American Dream further out of reach for many. According to Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) 2023 State of the Nation housing report, we face a shortfall of at least 1.5 million units nationally.

Federal affordable housing solutions work; join NAHRO in supporting the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, which has created over 3.6 million units for over 8 million families since its creation in 1986 and tell Congress to include the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act in any tax package it considers.

Click here to submit your letter.

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