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"POLICIES, POLICIES, POLICIES.... the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

SERC Save the Date Policies Training Flyer, all information as listed below.

Save the Date
Sponsored by SERC Education & Training & Small Agency Task Force

October 16 & 17
Marriott Resort Myrtle Beach Grande Dunes

For SERC's

"Policies, Policies, Policies... the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

  1. What about the policies other than ACOP and Administrative Plan - such as travel, procurement, personnel, smoke-free, VAWA, etc.?
  2. Are your required policies up to date?
  3. Are you aware of new and/or revised policy requirements?
  4. Have you thought about policies that could actually assist you in creating a more efficiently run authority?
  5. Do you wish you had access to sample policies that you could adopt to your authority?

Senior Associate Dennis Morgan of D. L. Morgan & Associates will lead participants in reviewing and developing policies to help ensure HUD compliance... and your greater efficiency. Participants will also receive "sample" policies that can be adapted to their individual authorities! Although targeted to small authorities, policies apply to ALL of us - this training is valuable for all PHAs regardless of size!

Monitor the SERC Website and your emails.

Registration will be open soon!

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