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August Advocacy | Help Us Meet Our Goal


A message from Ivory N. Mathews

CCHRCO 2nd Vice-President, CCHRCO Legislative Committee, SERC-NAHRO Legislative Committee, CEO of Columbia Housing


Dear CCHRCO Colleagues & Affordable Housing Advocates,

I hope that you all have had a great week and are looking forward to an amazing weekend. As most of you are aware, I currently sit on the Legislative Committee for CCHRCO & SERC-NAHRO. I have also been asked by our incoming SERC-NAHRO President Shaundra Clark, to serve as the Chair of the SERC-NAHRO Legislative Committee for her upcoming term. What does that mean? It means that you will be hearing from me on a regular basis and certainly a whole lot during the month of August. I will be asking for your support in reaching out to members of Congress to support NAHRO & SERC-NAHRO's legislative agendas.  We are less than a week away from NAHRO's August Advocacy campaign and I NEED YOUR HELP.

2021 August Advocacy Campaign Goals

  • NAHRO has set a goal of 12,000 letters!
  • SERC-NAHRO has set a goal of 5,000 letters!
  • CCHRCO - I would love to see us contribute 2,000 letters

The rundown of the topics that have been selected by NAHRO is as follows:

  • Week 1 (August 2-6): Infrastructure
  • Week 2 (August 9-13): Vouchers
  • Week 3 (August 16-20): Administrative Fees and Mobility Services
  • Week 4 (August 23-27): LIHTC and Community Development Programs
  • Week 5 (August 30- September 3): FY 2022 Transportation-HUD Spending
  • Week 6 (September 7-10): FY 2022 THUD and/or Infrastructure (Again)

 How do we (CCHRCO Houser's) contribute 2,000 letters?

NAHRO August Advocacy.jpg

Completing the action steps will take less than 5 minutes of your time. I'm asking that you and your team submit a letter each day. Each time you submit a letter, you are helping us get one step closer to urging Congress to include dedicated housing resources in the infrastructure bill. Submitting the same letter each day of the week isn't a problem. WE NEED TO BE HEARD and these letters are extremely helpful to our NAHRO staff representing us in Washington, DC.

WE ARE HOUSERS! Let's do this!

For additional information, please feel free to contact Ivory N. Mathews at

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